Learn Sanskrit Suffix Shanach | संस्कृत शानच् प्रत्यय 53

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Shanach. Suffix Shanach The…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Lyut | संस्कृत ल्युट् प्रत्यय 55

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Lyut. Sanskritam is a…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Tavyat, Aniyar | संस्कृत तव्यत् अनीयर् यत् ण्यत् प्रत्यय 57

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffixes Tavyat, Aniyar, Yat &…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Nvul, Trich, & Nini | संस्कृत ण्वुल् तृच् णिनि प्रत्यय 58

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffixes Nvul, Trich, & Nini.…

Learn Sanskrit Locative Case | संस्कृत अधिकरण कारक 59

The video gives a comprehensive detail of the Sanskrit Locative case and its special constructions with…

Learn Sanskrit Passive Voice 1 | संस्कृत कर्म वाच्य 61

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit Passive Voice. Sanskrit also have…

Learn Sanskrit Passive Voice 2 | संस्कृत कर्म वाच्य 62

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit Passive Voice. Sanskrit also have…

Learn Sanskrit Adverbs 2 | संस्कृत अव्यय 65

Sanskrit Adverb The video gives you a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit Adverbs. The…

Why learn Sanskrit in the Age of Science?

Why learn Sanskrit in the age of Science? The question calls for an urgent answer. First…