Learn Sanskrit Who does? | संस्कृत सः किम् करोति? 6

This Sanskrit video lesson teaches us to construct the simplest sentences in the easiest way. Beautiful…

Sanskrit Subject, Object & Verb | संस्कृत कर्ता, कर्म व क्रिया 7

The video teaches us the Sanskrit Subject, Object and the Verb in Sanskrit Sentence. A subject…

Sanskrit Number & Third Person | संस्कृत वचन 8

We will learn Sanskrit number. This video is all about Sanskrit Number: Singular Dual Plural. Sanskrit…

Sanskrit Second Person | संस्कृत मध्यम पुरुष 9

Sanskritam assures you that you can learn Sanskrit, the divine language of the gods, at home,…

Sanskrit First Person | संस्कृत उत्तम पुरुष 10

The Sanskritam Grammar Course assures you that you can learn Sanskrit, the divine language of the…

Sanskrit Present Tense & Pronouns| संस्कृत लट् लकार, सर्वनाम 11

The present lesson teaches you the Sanskrit Pronouns and Present Tense in Sanskrit Language. Sanskrit Present…

Sanskrit Masculine Nouns| संस्कृत अश्वः 12

The present video is a Sanskrit lesson on the Sanskrit declension. Here is described the Sanskrit…

Learn Sanskrit Neuter Gender | संस्कृत नपुंसकलिंग 13

Learn Neuter Gender The present video is gives a good list of common Sanskrit neuter nouns…

Learn Sanskrit Neuter Nouns in -A | संस्कृत अकारांत नपुंसकलिंग 14

The present video is a Sanskrit lesson on the Sanskrit declension. Here is described the Sanskrit…

Sanskrit Future Tense | संस्कृत लृट् लकार 15

The Sanskrit Pronouns have been revised. The video also teaches the Future Tense in Sanskrit Language.…