Learn Sanskrit The Possessive Case | संस्कृत संबंध कारक 49

The video gives a comprehensive detail of the Sanskrit Possessive case and its special constructions with…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Kta | संस्कृत क्त प्रत्यय 50

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Kta. Suffix Kta The…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Ktavatu | संस्कृत क्तवतु प्रत्यय 51

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Ktavatu. Suffix Ktavatu The…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Shatri | संस्कृत शतृ प्रत्यय 52

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Shatri. Suffix Shatri The…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Shanach | संस्कृत शानच् प्रत्यय 53

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Shanach. Suffix Shanach The…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Tumun | संस्कृत तुमुन् प्रत्यय 54

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Tumun. In the earlier…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Lyut | संस्कृत ल्युट् प्रत्यय 55

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix Lyut. Sanskritam is a…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix A, Ach and Ktin | संस्कृत अ, अच् और क्तिन् प्रत्यय 56

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffix A, Ach and Ktin.…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Tavyat, Aniyar | संस्कृत तव्यत् अनीयर् यत् ण्यत् प्रत्यय 57

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffixes Tavyat, Aniyar, Yat &…

Learn Sanskrit Suffix Nvul, Trich, & Nini | संस्कृत ण्वुल् तृच् णिनि प्रत्यय 58

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffixes Nvul, Trich, & Nini.…