Learn Sanskrit Passive Voice 2 | संस्कृत कर्म वाच्य 62

The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit Passive Voice. Sanskrit also have…

Learn Sanskrit Sarva, Chit Pratyay | संस्कृत चित् प्रत्यय, सर्वः 63

Pratyay The video gives a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit suffixes Chit and the…

Learn Sanskrit Adverbs 2 | संस्कृत अव्यय 65

Sanskrit Adverb The video gives you a detailed and comprehensive account of the Sanskrit Adverbs. The…

Making Your Study Interesting

If you dive deeper in the meaning of the word, ‘student’ means in Latin – ‘eager…

10 Ways to Perfect English

English is a very funny language. Contrary to fears of an average learner it is one…

Why learn English?

English is universally considered an international auxiliary language. Today, we can’t imagine a world without English.…

स्वामी विवेकानंद ने कहा था – शिक्षा

ये विचार स्वामी जी के ग्रन्थों व उनके भाषणों से संग्रहीत किए गए हैं। अद्वैत आश्रम…
